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Whole body vibration is a therapeutic intervention that allows the individual to increase the loading on the muscle, reducing muscle tone and increasing muscle strengthening as well as bone density. Whole Body Vibration is a practice where an individual lies, sits or stands on a vibration platform machine. Whole body vibration works by increasing the amount of gravity (G-force) acting upon the body.
With the use of vibration, sensors in the body detect changes from vibration and create muscle contraction and keep joints/soft tissues protected from excessive movement. Repetitive pulses help create rhythmic contractions leading to increased blood flow and lymphatic drainage. Whole body vibration creates a warming effect with muscles and joints faster than just traditional exercise. Pivotal vibration plates are known to mimic the movement of the pelvis such as one walks and create overall muscle strengthening
Electrical Stimulation (neuromuscular electrical stimulation, functional electrical stimulation, task specific electrical stimulation) uses electrical pulses to mimic signals coming from cells in the nervous system, either from muscles or nerves. By creating a sensory and motor input, it provides the user with increased muscular awareness and ability for muscle contraction through its assistance. Electrical stimulation can send signals to targeted muscle groups to promote muscle contraction to help improve blood flow, help repair an injured muscle or promote overall strengthening.
The use of electrical stimulation can:
– Improve muscle strength and function
– Improve range of motion
– Improve circulation
Aquatic therapy provides a non-weight bearing intervention to enable an individual of varying levels of mobility the ability to move freely. This low-impact environment can help achieve one’s goals by working one-on-one with a trained therapist to maximize functional independence in a fun, interactive way
Benefits to Aquatic therapy include:
Cuevas MEDEK Exercise (CME) / MEDEK is a form of physiotherapy treatment used to treat children with Motor Delay. Founded in 1973 by Ramon Cuevas, MEDEK comes from the Spanish acronym that means dynamic method for motor stimulation.
The basis of CME is to provoke autonomic motor movements. As one requires postural control in order to pull up our body and stabilize within space, CME relies on our vestibular and proprioceptive systems for response.
In CME therapy we place the child in a position where gravity is requiring a response, and then we wait for them to complete it, with gradually less assistance over time. In this way the brain practices these normal automatic responses and develops the appropriate synapses to make the response a consistent reaction.
Kinesio cannot be understood without understanding its origin. Dr. Kenzo Kase, a chiropractor developed the Kinesio Taping Method to facilitate the body’s natural healing process and prolong the benefits of his treatment after his patients left his clinic.
Kinesio Taping® Method is a therapeutic taping technique that alleviates pain and facilitates lymphatic drainage through the elastic properties of the skin. With the use of specific applications, Kinesio tape can:
– Reduce pain and inflammation
– Facilitate free movement and optimize performance
– Stimulate and strengthen muscles
– Re-educate muscles
– Promote optimal circulation
– Manage scars
Dynamic Movement Intervention is an intervention that incorporates a multitude of research and methodologies with emphasis on alignment, sensory integration and function. The goal is to provoke a desired action and promote progress to developmental milestones. DMI is an approach that uses dynamic techniques and tools to facilitate neuroplasticity and achieve motor milestones.
The goals of DMI are to focus on alignment and postural control, range of motion, balance, to create functional movements and gross motor skill progressions. DMI uses a multitude of tools such as suits, immobilizers, and electrical stimulation to create positive outcomes.