Our seven year old daughter Grace was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy at 15 months. Naturally we were devastated but also determined to source the therapy she would require to enable her to reach her full potential. Frustrated by the lack of resources in our home country of Ireland, we had no choice but to look further afield.
That search led us to Ms. Amy Eapen and Keep Moving Forward. When Grace was eighteen months old, we embarked on what would be the first of many incredible trips to New York for intensive physical therapy. Amy is, quite simply, AMAZING. She is the reason our daughter is now walking independently. Without Amy’s input over the last 6 years, I am certain Grace would be in a very different place. Amy’s professionalism, dedication and obvious love for her job transcends her work. She has never placed limits on what Grace can achieve and seeing Grace achieving goals we her parents only dreamed about over the years, makes us believe that with hard work and determination, anything IS possible.
The highest commendation for Amy and Keep Moving Forward actually comes from Grace and her friends from school. The major improvements from our last visit were immediately obvious to Grace’s friends. Her new independent mobility has proven hugely successful in her personal relationships with her peers and Grace is already talking about the goals she wants Amy to help her achieve during our next visit in a couple of months!
Thank you so much Amy. You have made such a difference to Grace’s life, and ours too. We feel truly blessed to have you in our lives. See you soon!
On the morning of September 27, 2013 our lives changed forever. Our beautiful 17 month old baby Kayla sustained a near drowning accident. She now requires years of extensive rehabilitation and aggressive treatments in order to get her life back.
We want Kayla to feel like a child, participate in meaningful activities, and ease the burden of all these doctors appointments. From the perspective of a father, it breaks my heart that I cannot throw her around, chase after her or just be silly with my little girl, BUT I know that she is coming back. Kayla has done extensive therapies but the intensive therapy that Kayla receives at KMF is so much more personal. Keep Moving Forward give me hope that Kayla will walk again. Having worked with these therapist, “I could not ask for any better.”
1. purposeful movement
2. functional positioning
3. sitting, standing, & walking
During the first years after her accident, Joanna had been in and out of four different hospitals and rehabilitation centers. In the never-ending quest for answers and help in October of 2007 we found Amy Eapen. How does one put into words the miracle Amy has brought us? When all others gave up, Amy stood tall. She had a belief in Joanna that her own doctors disallowed.
From the moment that we met Amy she began her magic. Joanna was only able to lay flat on her back and by the end of the evaluation Amy had her turning over, lying on her stomach and sitting up at the edge of her bed. This was a tremendous feeling of hope. It was in those moments I knew Amy would be the one to maximize her potential and give Joanna the greatest chance to achieve many more tasks.
Joanna has greater opportunities with daily repetition of activities. Joanna is able to engage the principles of motor control by making these tasks lifelong achievements. By giving Jonna the opportunity to work with Amy and participate in this program, it givers her the ultimate chance of recovery and reaching her goals.
Amy works together with Joanna’s team to keep her strong and limber and prevent regression. She encourages all who work with Joanna to be the best team for her continual rehabilitation. Amy is always available to assist and takes great pride in her work. She goes above and beyond with a compassionate belief. It is with that belief and commitment that Joanna has advanced to new heights.
With Amy’s enthusiasm and dedication Joanna has achieved so many goals. Joanna can now recognize coordination with movement. She has the ability to learn and process new movements. Today Joanna has the ability to perform stairs with only a close guard, can walk independently with a straight cane and gait belt only for spotting her movements. She can walk barefoot with no braces at all! Joanna’s tone and flexibility has drastically changed giving her more ease and fluidity in her movements. She can sit on the floor and stand up from the floor with no braces just herself with only close guard. She can feed herself with her right arm and turn over in her bed and even sleep on her side if she wants to. She can kneel, bend and squat and even dance! This past summer she took the Circle Line Tour around Manhattan. She left her wheelchair on the bottom deck and climed the stairs, walked across the top deck and sat in the sun with her family!
These major milestones are a direct indication that with good motiviation and hard work all things are obtainable. With Amy in her life, passionately devoted to helping Joanna be the best that she can be…there is no doubt she will continue to make new gains and will always KEEP MOVING FORWARD!
Kayla has been a patient at Keep Moving Forward (KMF) since February of 2014. As a result of her premature birth she suffered a brain injury that has led to a diagnosis of spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy at 18 months of age.
Our initial meeting/evaluation session with Amy Eapen was very positive and created a sense of optimism and trust that we had not felt with any of our daughter’s therapists in the past. The staff at KF were warm and caring to Kayla and she in return looked forward to seeing them. Kayla enjoyed her 3 week intensive and continues to enjoy her ongoing sessions. There are times when she is challenged or fatigued and becomes uncomfortable but her therapists are able to aid, coach and encourage her in a way so that she doesn’t become discouraged. The staff at KMF have come to know Kayla and see her full potential. We as a family, have come to the realization that KMF will be a part of Kayla’s life as she continues her journey with physical therapy and reaches her full potential. WE HAVE YET TO ENCOUNTER ANOTHER PROVIDER OF SERVICES WHO “KNOWS AND CARES” FOR OUR FAMILY THE WAY THE KMF FAMILY DOES.
Watching Kayla strive towards goals such as sitting, crawling, and bicycle riding has been a joy for both us and her. Kayla gets stronger with each session and is able to sit unassisted for short period of time and has shown improvements with head and trunk control. Her journey will be long but we are proud of her gains thus far and happy with her progress. Additionally, we have learned invaluable information to support our daughters physical therapy needs at home. We appreciate the therapeutic value of KMF and realize that the KMF therapists have been instrumental in Kayla’s physical achievements thus far.
As a parent of a child with special needs, you’re always fighting to make sure your child is receiving the best service available to them. We certainly believe having Kayla attend KMF is the best physical therapy providers available to her and we are happy to have such a wonderful program service our daughter’s needs and thankful to work with the KMF family.
– Eddie & Michelle (Kaya’s Parents)
“Though she be little, she is fierce.” This Shakespearean quote had described Lily since the day she was born. Our 1lb 13-ounce miracle has always had the fight to grow, improve and learn in all aspects of her life. Lily was born premature at 26 weeks and 3 days. Due to prematurity, she developed Hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy, cognitive and speech delays, oral motor weakness and seizure disorder. Lily has always worked hard during her EI and CPSE therapies, however our family knew Lily needed more. After seeing a friend’s post about her son’s progress at Keep Moving Forward we decided to take Lily for an evaluation. My mother and I were amazed by how much Lily could do with the help of the TheraSuit and cage! Our family knew that the therapy provided at KMF was necessary for Lily to continue to progress. In June of 2017, Lily started weekly therapy with Amy, Elizabeth, or Amanda. We quickly saw the improvement when Lily went form sitting up for seconds to minutes, she was able to stand and walk with confidence with the help of the TheraSuit. Her left hand has always been contracted and now she has started to use that hand! Her “special had” will clap and knock down blocks (something that has never happened). Over the last year and a half, Lily has shown us so many amazing new skills including sitting to stand, sitting on uneven surfaces, walking with the assistance of bungees and crawling on all fours. Presently she is working on walking in a walker, which will allow her to be more independent. Keep Moving Forward is more than a therapy place, it is a family. On her therapy days, Lily and I walk in and we are greeted with smiles. Each therapist know Lily’s “language” by heart and is able to tell her to do things in terms she understands. Lily has formed quite an amazing bond with on of the therapy aides, Melissa. I never knew that my daughter would have a best friend in an adult. Melissa bonds with Lily and makes her laugh, which allows therapy to be a happy experience for all involved, especially Lily! Thank you Keep Moving Forward for all you have given the Maisano/Murphy family and especially our Lily!
Chase is a little boy with undiagnosed physical issues, but regardless, is very determined. He has had the most trouble with his legs because they are very tight, but he works har in therapy to improve every day. This journey with Chase has been a rollercoaster of emotions, especially because we don’t have a concrete diagnosis. We have been sad, scared, but also thankful and hopeful that he will one day walk completely unassisted with strong, solid legs. We came to KMF not knowing if they would be able to help him, but now we could not imagine not having found them! They immediately gave us hope, strategies, and confidence of growing capabilities. We think that this place and group of people are simply angels of light. They could not be more positive, insightful, and absolute experts in their field. We love them! Thank you for all that you do! Without you we do not know where Chase and our family would be!
– Steve (Chase’s Dad)
N- Never Give Up. When Nyah was born the Neurologist could not distinguish the gray matter from the white matter in her brain. Her prognosis was so poor that the doctors stated that Nyah would be the equivalent of a “contracted vegetable”. Nyah would never walk nor even sit up. It is in Steve and I’s best interest to institutionalize her and move on with our lives. Steve and I prayed, and we were thinking of moving to Hungary to get the physical therapy that she needed. Then, one day our prayers were answered.
A Parent to Parent magazine came home in Nyah’s book bag from school. There it was an Ad from Keep Moving Forward. The next day I called and Nyah has metaphorized from the crystallization phase through a beautiful butterfly. Our baby is walking. Her determination and the motto of KMF Never, Never, Give up.” is the inspiration for Ny Ny’s perseverance
Y-Yes Nyah can. What ever physical barriers or challenges that she comes across Keep Moving Forward knocks it down.
A- Achieve and believe:
Nyah’s inner strength with KMF has propelled her to:
Results from achievement:
H- Happy. Nyah is very happy when she comes to KMF. She thrives off the staff’s praise and encouragement. She is constantly laughing. For Steve and I, it warms our hearts to hear the laughter and happiness from our Ny Ny’s voice.
“Keep Moving Forward is a happy and wonderful place filled with promise and hope. The therapy room is cheery and the walls are lined with inspirational quotes, reminding everyone there is no room for negativity here. As a mom of a differently-abled child, we have lots of appointments where I hold my breath praying there is no new developments or setbacks. At Keep Moving Forward, I never hold my breath because I know every session will result in progress, no matter how tiny. I see the same look in the eyes of the other parents as they watch tiny miracles unfold in their children. We share our stories and experiences and cheer for each other’s children.
Intensive PT is not easy, its hard work. I watch my son struggle and stumble and he never gives up. Most importantly, all the therapists never give up. They push him to work harder each time. At times, I think it is beyond his limits, but EACH TIME I am SURPRISED when he does something new. The pride in Coles eyes at his accomplishments is priceless. Together the PTs develop a program geared towards Cole’s specific needs. Each session is filled with creative tips, practical advice and always homework. We diligently do our homework and when I’m tired and want to skip a day, I am reminded with an enthusiastic “Mommy I wanted to do my exercise!”
The PTs are very well versed in their skill it is evident that they have the educational and hands on experience to be good, but it is their passion that makes them great PTs. It is rare to find people who are so passionate and enthusiastic about their work. I always knew Cole was meant to do great things and it never mattered if he did these great things on two wheels or two legs, however that vision of him being on two legs becomes clearer after each session, and so we will continue to keep moving forward.”
– Shona (Cole’s Mom)
My son Hunter was born early at 26 weeks and suffered a grade 3 bilateral brain bleed, causing hypertonia in his limbs and loss of tone in his trunk. In the beginnings of therapy, we were optimistic about how Hunter would do since he had no intellectual impairment and is very hard working. Keep Moving Forward had great reviews and we were very impressed with the staff when we first toured the facility. We must say, we were not let down because the results have been excellent and are very much in sync with how we anticipated therapy to help our son. Everything about Keep Moving Forward has been wonderful, not only is the staff extremely friendly and knowledgeable, but the facility has new and modern equipment. Keep Moving Forward is an excellent choice for anyone that needs help in overcoming a physical impairment. My on Hunter has progressed so much because of the great staff, and we couldn’t be more grateful.
-Ryan (Hunters Dad)
It is often said that when life hands you lemons; make lemonade. Nothing could be truer when telling the story of our beloved son Robert Papandrea. Robbie was born with a rare genetic chromosome disorder named 1Q44 deletion syndrome. It has impacted his life in every way. He has challenges with bilateral coordination, cognitive skills, and overall physical development. Despite all of Robbie’s developmental delays, he always wears a smile on his face.
Upon hearing and fully understanding of Robbie’s disorder, our family was frustrated and disheartened. However, it was through Robbie’s happiness, unwavering kindness, and love that made us (and himself) persevere. Robbie has been with Keep Moving Forward for over three years. When he first started, he had difficulty sitting and could not crawl. His movement was limited in terms of mobility. Robbie struggled, but never gave up. He continues to work through his tears because ultimately, he enjoys to please the people he loves. Robbie also enjoys his newfound independence of improved mobility.
Over the years, Robbie has progressed significantly. A child that could not crawl turned into a proud boy that can now take steps independently. Through the hard work of the staff at KMF, Robbie has found unbound happiness in his mobility and continues to do well. He is an extremely happy, loveable and eccentric little boy. We are extremely grateful as a family for the sweet lemonade we have found.
Jenna (Robbie’s Mom)
Bradyen is a sweet boy whose smile lights up the room. His expression of happiness extends from his head down to his toes. At 3 months old he was diagnosed with Microcephaly. He overcame seizures at 6 months old, he is globally developmentally delayed has cortical visual impairment as well as a non-typical form of hypotonic cerebral palsy and Autism. These diagnoses do not define him they are just pieces to a larger Puzzle in Brayden’s Journey.
We found Keep Moving forward through Lily, a friend in Brayden’s school and could not wait to get him started. During our first evaluation session, we knew he was in amazing hands.
He started in March 2018 we had no idea what to expect and simply wanted to do everything to help him develop both physically and cognitively. We have noticed significant improvements in both his responsiveness and his slow but steady progress. The vestibular movement and the creative out of the box techniques have actually opened up His Mind to more learning as reported by his teachers and how he engages with us at Home!
The staff at Keep Moving Forward has gone above and beyond for Brayden and us as caregivers. There are no words to express our level of gratitude for their constant support in high-energy. Each therapist and therapy assistant has a unique ability to work with each child and help pull out their strengths while teaching them at their level. The Whole Team starting with your Awesome front desk ladies make a difference in each of our Lives!
We Feel like Keep Moving Forward is an Extension To Our Family. Brayden Loves Each and Every one of them and shows it when he’s asleep and awake. We Truly appreciate everything they do. Only Brayden can tell us how far he will go and with this crew TeamBRAYBRAY is unstoppable.
In March 2017, our lives would be forever changed. The change was supposed to be the birth of our 2nd child, Joseph, but unfortunately that was not the case. Isabella, then 3 years old, was battling a sinus infection and on antibiotics for several weeks. After returning home from school I noticed increased fatigue and vomiting and knew something was going on since the antibiotic wasn’t working. After vomiting the rest of the day, her doctor told us to go to the ER for fear of dehydration. After becoming unresponsive at about 5am, a CT scan would tell us words no parent should ever hear. “I’m sorry, we think your child has cancer, a malignant brain tumor” and requires emergency surgery immediately, she won’t survive without it. After the successful removal of the tumor, a later MRI revealed further metastatic disease in her full brain and now spine. They told us Medulloblastoma stage 3. After receiving this news and living the worst day of our lives to date, now I had to give birth to my son, with my precious girl up in ICU. This isn’t fair, it wasn’t supposed to be this way. So, at 11:04am, 9lbs and 48 hours later, my son was born, but a piece of our heart wasn’t with us. So, after being told we had to start high-dose chemotherapy immediately, we started to explore our options and have her transferred by chopper to CHOP for her continuing treatment. This evil, terrible disease not only took our normal lives but also took her ability to walk, speak, sit up, and just to be her normal smiling 3-year-old self. Here at CHOP she would receive 5 more cycles of intensive high dose chemo, 3 stem cell transplants, 33 proton radiation treatments, and 2 ½ months of intensive rehab treatments before arriving home right before her beloved Christmas after being inpatient for over 8 months, leaving our newborn son at home, missing the first 8 months of his life.
Our princess warrior turned 4 years old and we continued to cherish every moment and milestone at home. In April 2018, we learned her disease had grown more despite receiving radiation. Upon our complete disbelief and devastation, we decided to pursue clinical trials and immunotherapy, those being our only options now. How could it be, with all this progress she has made, that this is what we’re being told. From loosing most of her abilities, she can now sit up on her own, use a walker, crawl, stand while holding on, and can feed herself again, despite being full of cancer! Then we arrived here at KMF for intensive PT. What a blessing it was to learn we had discovered what would become our new family. With hopes of seeing our beautiful girl one day, walk and run on her own. She started therapy and it is lifechanging to see her continued progress every single day. She can take steps on her own and get around our home while holding on to things. Despite her still ongoing disease and very unfortunate prognosis and outcome, she wouldn’t come as far as she has without this incredible team and staff. We see their hard work and dedication in everything our girl does, and we are forever grateful to them all. They go above and beyond to make our angel laugh and smile. Although we don’t know what the next days, weeks, or months will bring and unfortunately our days are now numbered, we owe our daughters new independence, happiness, and incredible self-esteem and motivation to the entire KMF therapists and staff. You have all changed our lives. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for making our beautiful princess warrior’s days brighter.
Michelle and Justin
December 22, 2016. My personal D-Day. Diagnosis Day. A day that will always be with me. The day that a pen was put to paper officially diagnosing my daughter, my little girl, the light of my life, with Cerebal Palsy. The “CP” term had been floated by me for several months, but I kept thinking, “no way, she is just developing at her own pace.” Ellie was 21 months old.
On that day, my role evolved. I would not only be Ellie’s mother and protector, but also her biggest fan, her cheerleader, her advocate, her voice, her researcher, her role model, and she would be my superhero. I made a promise to her that day that I would never stop until I couldn’t, or she told me to stop.
As I started to navigate through our new “normal” of various therapies and doctor appointments, I continued to look for any other option outside of her standard therapy that could assist Ellie during early development and ultimately allow her to lead a life where she didn’t feel she had boundaries. This quest is what led me to Amy and her team at Keep Moving Forward.
In the 3 months that Amy and Amanda have worked with Ellie, now 2 and ½ years old, I have seen a noticeable, positive change in her strength, stamina, and endurance. Ellie walks with more confidence, has a straighter posture, and attempts stairs on her own. These are just a few of her major accomplishments that make me smile- so proud of Ellie.
I believe we have seen such a strong outcome with KMF due to Ellie’s determination and desire to push herself, but more importantly Amy and her team’s ability to creatively make therapy fun. I feel strongly this balance is truly what has made Ellie excel to where she is today. I am so honored to be Ellie’s mom. She has taught me more than I ever thought was possible. She is by far the strongest little girl I know – both physically and mentally. It is a joy to watch the excitement in her face each time she hits another goal. The goals were never verbalized to her, but she knows when she hits them…It’s pretty clear by the animated excitement in my face followed by a superhero-sized high five. Proud mom moment.
Thank you is not enough. You have shown my little girl the sky is the limit.
-Ashley, mom to a superhero
A patient at Keep Moving Forward since 2013
There’s nothing Keep Moving Forward won’t try, nothing they won’t do, and they NEVER SAY NEVER when it comes to his progress. They are confident, optimistic, and challenge him in every way he needs to be challenged. He truly appreciates this because the therapists we have had in the past usually met him with nothing but road blocks and the general rhetoric was: you can try, but I don’t think you’ll get very far. They were content to allow him to stay in a wheelchair most of the time where Keep Moving Forward, working on walking full-time and independently wasn’t even a question- it was something that was a given from the beginning. It was simply stated that HE WILL GET THERE, and they outlined exactly how he is going to do it and simply got to work.
– Danielle (Ken’s Sister)
A patient at KMF since 2012
Matthew was born at 30 weeks and stayed in the NICU for 5 weeks. He faced a lot of challenges with breathing, eating and digestion. He has had to work to overcome weakness and tightness in his muscles and joints. He still needs to find the confidence in his body and in his growing strength. He is smart and sweet and so much fun. I love watching him grow and learn.
We haven’t done intensive but have had weekly visits. In the earliest session I felt so grateful to have someone that could teach me the stretches and movements. It was empowering to learn how to help him loosen up, move and eventually reach his milestones. It is hard to watrch him struggle, be afraid and use his body but so amazing to see him succeed.
I am extremely happy with the results at each phase of his therapy. As an infant we worked primarily on his tight muscles and joints. We moved on to helping him sit up, roll over, hold himself up on his tummy and reach ing milestones. Next was crawling, balance, and eventually walking. Now we are working towards making sure each muscle gains the strength it needs so that he can run, climb, jump and have the confidence and skills to play and interact with other kids.
I am so happy with the therapist who work with him. They are gentle and caring, but find ways to motivate him and give him the push that he needs. They make the activities fun and interesting with the equipment, toys, and games. They teach him and me so that we can work and practice at home. They listen to him and treat him with respect. They come up with new ways to work out his muscles and keep it interesting.
The Therasuit has been an incredible addition to his therapy. It helps isolate different muscles and help him feel like he can do the movements before he can on his own.
– Melissa (Matthew’s Mom)
A patient at Keep Moving Forward since 2012
Michelle is a 28 year old young lady with athetoid cerebral palsy and severe dystonia. Michelle started at Keep Moving Forward for her weekly physical sessions and is progressing beautifully.
At Keep Moving Forward Michelle has improved on her sitting, balance, her posture, and her core strengthening which impacts her overall wellness and ability to move better.
At first, as her mother, I was concerned that Michelle would not keep up with the intensity of the 3 week program. Amy’s reassurance that Michelle could do this and her encouragement to Michelle daily made me realize that this was a good thing for Michelle and the end result would be beneficial foir her.
Her overall progress is positive, Keep Moving Forward provides the consistency with physical therapy that Michelle needs to really make a difference.
All the therapist at Keep Moving Forward are caring and professional. They have a great awy of interacting with the patients- they are pleasant, supportive, and encouraging, but serious about getting patients to do the tasks required.
Michelle and I are so happy that we found Keep Moving Forward
– Camille (Michelle’s Mom)
Erika has been working with Keep Moving Forward since about 2012! She goes 2-3 times a week and has done intensive sessions as well. Erika has recovered from numerous surgeries and jumps back into her therapy sessions stronger than before. She has made such great progress. Every one of the team works so hard with Erika and are so creative. At 25 years old, Erika is still reaching new goals that surpass what was predicted by her doctors or imagined by many. It is incredible. Dreams really do come true. Don’t stop believing and you will keep moving forward! – Cathie Mom to Erika
My son David graduated from his special needs high school in 2016. He has cerebral palsy, epilepsy, severe mental retardation and could stand only for a few seconds before collapsing to the floor. Instead of putting David in a day program, having minimal therapies, I decided to step up his treatment by finding a center that catered to people with debilitating conditions, couple with neurological impairments. I searched all over the downstate region and finally found Keep Moving Forward, a one-of-a-kind therapeutic center. Something Amy said to me during the interview, made me certain we were in the right place. She said, the word “plateau” does not exist at Keep Moving Forward. Since joining the family at Keep Moving Forward, David has made significant progress. He can now stand for a sustained period and has learned to stand and pivot transfer. David has also taken steps in a gait trainer. None of these gains would have happened in a day program. Amy’s staff members are some of the most dedicated clinicians i have ever seen. And they truly believe all of their clients, will progress under their care. I am eternally grateful to them. – Kathryn Mom to David
Anthony started therapy at KMF at 11-months old. Within a few sessions, he started sitting up and gaining head control. With this quick progress, we knew KMF had to be a mainstay in his therapy regimen. He continues to progress every year and we know it is largely due to his therapy at KMF. It is specialized and allows him to experience walking, crawling, swinging safely. We cannot say enough good things about all the therapists and owners. They truly care about each patient and make each session fun, encouraging and special. They understand the challenges that face Anthony and welcome him with open arms every week! We LOVE KMF! – Stephanie Mom to Anthony
My daughter Ariana was diagnosed with Diplegic Cerebral Palsy when she was two. She has always showed improvement with therapy but we are so lucky to have found Keep Moving Forward last year. They have pushed her and helped her in ways we only prayed about. Ariana has made such progress and is so close to walking and it is all because of Keep Moving Forward. – Leanna Mom to Ariana
Max had SDR (Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy) surgery in the Summer of 2019 followed by heelcord and hamstring lengthening surgery a couple of months later. He then received a week long Intensive Physical Therapy Program at Keep Moving Forward (KMF). Max had an excellent week and was able to achieve 13 independent steps thanks to his hard work and the tremendous efforts of the amazing therapists at KMF. Although the program was rigorous and intense, Max had so much fun and was eager to return each day. We are excited to go back to KMF for more sessions in the coming weeks. We are confident that Max will continue to crush his ultimate goals of walking and becoming stronger and more independent! – Melissa Mom to Max
Erika has been working with Keep Moving Forward since about 2012! She goes 2-3 times a week and has done intensive sessions as well. Erika has recovered from numerous surgeries and jumps back into her therapy sessions stronger than before. She has made such great progress. Every one of the team works so hard with Erika and are so creative. At 25 years old, Erika is still reaching new goals that surpass what was predicted by her doctors or imagined by many. It is incredible. Dreams really do come true. Don’t stop believing and you will keep moving forward!
– Cathie Mom to Erika